
Dukkah Vegetable Bake

100 grm butter melted
2 Leeks washed and chopped
½ bunch celery washed and chopped
1 Sweet Potato PINK peeled and chopped
½ Butternut Pumpkin peeled and chopped
2 good handfuls of baby spinach washed
½  cup shredded Mozzarella
8 eggs beaten
½  cup cream
6 tablespoon Olive Branch Dukkah RED
Salt and Pepper to taste 

Preheat the oven to 180. On a tray layer the sweet potato & pumpkin and sprinkle with ½ the dukkah. Bake for 20 minutes until just tender. Sauté celery and leeks in butter until cooked through.
Beat the eggs and add the cream. Add salt & pepper to taste. Layer sautéed celery and leeks in a baking tray. Then followed by the baked vegetables and baby spinach. Top with the remainder of the dukkah and grated mozzarella. Pour over egg mixture. Bake in a moderate oven until golden brown and the egg is set.

Serves: 4

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