
Kale & Ricotta Omelette

8 Eggs
4tbs cold water
Salt & Pepper to taste
30gms butter
250g Borrello Italian Style Ricotta
2 tbls Wellyboot Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ bunch Kale shredded finely
¼ cup Tasty shredded cheddar

Warm pan and sauté kale in olive oil until just cooked.
Crack eggs into bowl, add water and season with salt and pepper. Whisk lightly with a fork until well combined.
Melt butter in a non stick fry pan until foaming, pour in egg mixture tilting pan allowing to set, continue to turn allowing all egg to set and dry. Add cooked kale, shredded cheddar and ricotta cheese, fold over the outer edge to form a semi circle. Serve immediately.

Serves: 4

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