
Creamy Chicken with Leek & Mushrooms

6-8 chicken thighs chopped 
2 leeks rinsed and sliced finely
1 tblspn butter
4 cups of swiss brown mushrooms whole
½ cup of chicken stock
300ml thickened cream
Salt and pepper
Cornflour paste* optional
Rice, pasta, cous cous or crusty bread to serve

Heat a large pot and melt the butter.  Add the leeks and stir till golden brown and tender, approx 15 minutes. Add the chicken and stir through till coloured. Add salt and pepper and transfer to a large casserole dish with lid.  Add the mushrooms and the chicken stock. Seal and place in 180 degree oven for approx 40 minutes or till chicken is cooked.  Remove and stir through the cream. Thicken with the cornflour paste if desired, and serve with rice, pasta, cous cous or bread to mop up the juices.

Serves: 4-6

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