
Roast Pork Loin with Creamy Shallot Gravy

1 Linley Valley loin roast at room temperature
2 golden shallots finely diced
1 teaspoon butter
2 cups of brown gravy (make your own or use gravox powder)
1 dessert spoon whole grain mustard
Splash of cream
Olive oil

Heat the oven to 180°. Rub the pork with olive oil and season with salt, cover with foil and roast for approx 20 minutes every 1/2 kilo. Remove the pork from the oven, cut off the stretchy netting and cut off the soft crackling.  Wrap the roasted pork meat in the foil and rest on your serving platter. Turn the oven up to 240 and place the pork crackling in the oven. It will blister and crisp up but don’t leave it unattended or it will burn! Rest the Pork for 15-20 minutes while you make the gravy by gently pan frying the diced shallots in the butter till golden, add the ready-made gravy, the mustard and splash of cream. The pork will be succulent and tender, and serve it sliced with the gravy and garnished with the crackling and your favourite roasted veggies.

Serves: Depending on the size of your pork you will serve up to 6 adults. (Work on 250 grams per adult)

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