
Guinness Braised Rump

2 kg Harvey Beef rump, sliced into steaks or large pieces
2 tblspns olive oil
4 medium brown onions sliced thickly
4 tblspns plain flour seasoned with salt and pepper
2 cans Guinness
2 tblspns tomato paste
2 tblspns Worcestershire sauce
500ml beef stock

Preheat oven 180°. Warm the olive oil in oven proof pan, then cook onion over low heat until beginning to caramelise. Place seasoned flour in a plastic bag and add meat shaking to coat. Gradually add meat to the pan cooking until browned then pour in first can of Guinness stirring to deglaze pan. Add second can of Guinness, tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over half the beef stock so the meat is covered, adding extra during cooking time if need be. Cover and bake for 2 hours or until tender. Remove cover and allow to reduce slightly, approx 15 minutes. Serve with mash and a green vegetables.

Serves: 4-6

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