
Stuffed Rump Roast

5 – 6 kg Harvey Beef rump
250gm dried figs, chopped
250gm fresh dates, chopped
½ bag baby spinach
1 cup Cape Naturaliste Farms caramelised balsamic glaze
Olive oil
Salt & pepper

40 grm butter
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tblspn cornflour
1 tblspn Cape Naturaliste Farms caramelised balsamic glaze
1 tblspn Chopped Parsley
1 ½ Cups Chicken Stock

Remove the meat from the fridge at least 30 minutes before you plan on cooking it so that it can come to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 250°. Combine the figs, dates, spinach and balsamic together.  Cut a pocket in the side of the rump and stuff it with the fig mixture. Rub the top of the meat with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place into an oven bag and then onto a baking tray and  roast for 30 minutes before reducing to 180° for 2 ½  hours. Serve with gravy and roast vegetables.
Gravy – Melt butter and whisk in cornflour. Add chicken stock and simmer whilst stirring until thickened before adding balsamic. Allow 250gm of meat per person. 

Serves: Serves many (250gm of meat per person is recommended)

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