
Filled Trussed Tomatoes

4 Truss Tomatoes
250 gram Bacon Rashers
1 ½ Cups of Fresh Bread Crumbs
1 ½ Cups of Tasty Cheddar Cheese
3 Eggs Lightly Beaten
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut your Truss Tomatoes in half and scoop out seeds. Finely chop up your bacon and add to a bowl with 1 cup of your breadcrumbs, 1 cup of your tasty cheddar cheese, salt, pepper and your lightly beaten eggs and mix well. Using a dessert spoon, fill your tomatoes and top with the remainder of the cheese & fresh breadcrumbs. Place in a 180 degree oven until tomatoes are just soft and your cheese and bread crumbs are golden brown. Approx  20-25 minutes.

Serves: 4

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