
Croque Monsieur (Dazzling Darryl Style)

8 thick slices of bread
1 cup soft butter
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 x 200ml tub sour cream
4 cups grated Jarlsberg Cheese 
8 slices ham
Pinch nutmeg

Mix 1 cup of cheese with ½ tub of the sour cream & 1 tablespoon of the Dijon mustard. Place aside. 
Mix softened butter & Dijon mustard together in a separate bowl. Using a pastry brush, cover both sides of the bread slices with the butter mix. Place 4 slices of bread apart on a lined baking tray & layer each with the ham & the rest of the cheese. Top with another slice of buttered bread to make a sandwich. 
Place in a 250° oven & bake for 10 to 15 mins or until brown. Remove from the oven & sprinkle over the top of each sandwich the premade cheese/sour cream/Dijon mustard mix from before.  Top with a sprinkle of nutmeg & place back in the oven until the topping melts over the sandwich. 

Serves: 4

For more recipes & cooking tips, please see Darryl or the team at the Farmers Market.
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