
Stuffed Lamb Cutlets

1 tray of French lamb cutlets
1kg pack of bacon rashers
1kg green beans, washed & tops/tails removed
Juice of 2 lemons
Splash of extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste

1 cup fresh breadcrumbs
½ cup parsley, chopped
2 teaspoons garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Slash of extra virgin olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste

Mix all stuffing ingredients together in a bowl.
Press a spoonful of stuffing mix on the meat end of each lamb cutlet. Wrap a bacon rasher around each cutlet to secure the stuffing & fasten closed with a toothpick.
Lay cutlets on a lined baking tray & place into a moderate (180 degree) oven for 15 minutes.
Steam beans in the lemon juice for 3 minutes until tender. Season with oil, salt & pepper.
Serve cutlets with green beans & a side of boiled kipfler potatoes

Serves: 4

For more recipes & cooking tips, please see Darryl or the team at the Farmers Market.
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