
Bacon & Egg Pudding

8 slices white bread
16 eggs
16 rashers bacon
1 bunch silverbeet, finely chopped
¼ cup melted butter
Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 180 degrees & lightly grease an ovenproof dish.  Place silverbeet, garlic & olive oil in a pan & sauté until the silverbeet is tender. Brush bread slices with melted butter & cut into triangles. Layer a row of bread triangles standing with the point facing upwards. Next place a row of bacon rashers. Alternate till all the bread has been used. Crack the eggs equally dropping between each row. Sprinkle the prepared silverbeet between each row. Place in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until cooked.

Serves: 8-10 

For more recipes & cooking tips, please see Darryl or the team at the Farmers Market.
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