
Pavlova Nests with Berry Fool

500 grams of fresh berries in season, or frozen mixed berries
600 ml Harvey fresh cream
1 tub King Island pure cream
6 egg whites
Vanilla essence
2 table spoons cornflour
1 ½ cups castor sugar
Or buy pre-made meringue nests.
Splash of maple syrup

If making your own mini Pavlovas, these nests can be prepared up to a couple of days before. Turn the oven on to 150 degrees C. Beat the egg whites in a mixer until the mix forms stiff peaks. Add the vanilla and gradually add the castor sugar. The mixture should be white and form a peak that will hold in shape. Carefully fold the cornflour through the egg white mix with a large spoon. 
Place 4 individual heaps on a baking papered tray. Make a concave in the surface and place in the pre-heated oven turning the temperature down to 120 degrees C. Leave to cook for around and hour, then turn off the oven and leave the nests in there to cool. Keep in a sealed container till use if you prepare them prior to making the recipe..
Whip the Harvey Fresh cream, add a dash of vanilla. Put aside.
Blend a half of the mixed berries in a processor to form a puree. Fold this mixture and the maple syrup through the whipped cream to make the Fool. Take the nests and pile some of the fool on top and arrange the left over berries artistically on the fool. Garnish with a dollop of King Island pure cream and some fresh mint. 

Serves: 4

For more recipes & cooking tips, please see Darryl or the team at the Farmers Market.
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