
Meme’s Tortilla

6 eggs 
4 large Nadine potatoes, cubed
2 large brown onions, sliced
2 tblspns of olive oil
Pinch pepper
Pinch salt

Cooking Method:

Heat a small non-stick frypan on medium, add the oil, then layer the onions and potatoes before sprinkling with salt and pepper. Place a lid on top and leave to slowly sauté – you want the onions to be caramelised and the potatoes soft and tender. Check occasionally and stir through as the onions begin to caramelise so everything is evenly cooked. Taste for seasoning.
In a bowl whisk eggs with another pinch of salt and pepper then add the hot potato/onion mixture to this.  Add back into the pan and place the lid on top, cooking until the base is firm. Flip upside down onto a plate then slide the uncooked side back into pan and cook through. Place the tortilla on a plate, cool a little and cut into wedges. Serve hot or cold with a side salad. 

Serves: 4-6

For more recipes & cooking tips, please see Darryl, Terri or Amanda at the Farmers Market.
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